Internet Web Site

For the right kind of person who loves to create and learn new stuff building a website, this could be your thing. I'm not saying you have to be nerdy, but you definitely must enjoy detail and tedious work on the computer for hours on end. Below you will find several different types of website businesses that can not only be profitable, but fairly low maintenance -- ONCE THE WEBSITE IS BUILT and up and running. The types of categories included on this page include:

1. Affiliate Marketing
2. Mini Site with basically a single page
3. Full website

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate Marketing is where you provide links to other websites on your website. Then when people leave your page on the internet, go to another site which is linked back to you, and shop, you earn a percentage of their purchase. That's a pretty simple explanation, but check out the following company called

Mini Site:

The next type of website is the Mini Site. No one explains it better than Jim Edwards. He has several links which include a lot more than just about the Mini Websites, but it is like one big package. Check it out if you are willing to take some time and learn what he has to say.

Full Web Site:

A Full Web Site is for those who want to create an internet business that has multiple pages and lots of different options for marketing.

The good news is that if you do put the effort into building something real, SBI! makes working at home a strong, valid option. In a nutshell...

1) Your site builds targeted, interested visitors.

2) Your site PREsells through high-value information.

3) Your site convert visitors into buyers, whether you are... • a professional selling a service • a distributor or network marketing representative • an information publisher, monetizing through AdSense, affiliate programs and referrals/finder fees. • selling a service to local or global clientele • offering any other product, whether digital or hard goods.

Thinking about starting a work-from-home business? Stay-at-home spouses have built businesses with SBI! that start as the "second income stream" for the family, but grow to become the primary one!

For beginners who want lots of traffic to their web site, and have time to learn the many ins and outs of putting together a site, the one I recommend is

Site Build It has a video tutorial that takes it from the beginning and teaches you each little thing you need to do starting with picking your business idea.

The best way is to actually be trained by Site Build It. You will be up and running with your online business in a short time.

If you know about putting together web sites you can download HTML and still utilize all of the tools they have pulled together.

Another site with so many different web services to help you is GoDaddy.

Affiliate Marketing

There are a number of ways to make money on the internet by selling other people's products. You can earn a percentage of the sale and even make a substantial income AFTER you really learn how this is done.

Some companies, usually if they are large enough, actually set up an affiliate program where they send you a check after their products are sold on your website, ezine, or other marketing method. They usually have minimum amount of commission that must be earned before a check will be sent.

Other vendors put their products on Clickbank, which acts like a bank for the vendors and receive payment from Clickbank.  

Social Media Marketing




and many others

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