Quantum Leap for Success

Take Your Quantum Leap for Success Now!

Think and Grow Rich Master Mind Group

Hi! My name is John Ramsey and I am a Life Success Consultant and business partner of Bob Proctor and Paul Martinelli. I conduct Master Mind Study Groups on "Think and Grow Rich", a masterpiece by Napoleon Hill.

Reading this book alone is a very rewarding process. But to study the book with other like minded individuals and a curriculum prepared by Bob Proctor, someone who has been reading the book for nearly 50 years and is currently one of the highest paid coaches in the world, is quite another.

The book is every bit as valid today as it was 75 years ago and the comprehensive program of study that Bob has evolved through his years of studying the book, is quite simply priceless. I want to make the study of this book available Free of charge to all who want to learn how to bring success in all areas of their life.

Master Mind Group

The history behind the book:

After studying five hundred highly successful and powerful individuals, Mr. Hill discovered a common denominator of success between each individual and reveals this formula through the 13 principles outlined in the book.

How it WILL work for you:

By applying these 13 principles you will begin to identify the ways in which you may be limiting yourself in achieving a higher level of success; financially, relationally, intellectually, physically and spiritually. By studying TAGR , I can confidently assure you that your level of awareness will be increased by at least ten fold and you’ll learn how to more fully use the tools you already have: to enjoy more harmony, joy, inner peace and success.

Recommended: Purchase a copy of the book Think and Grow Rich (original version, ISBN#1593302002). You can order this book on this page or get it at your local book store. The study guide refers to this version's page numbers.

Expect The Best!

John Ramsey



"Change is constant and inevitable,

but personal growth is a choice."

Bob Proctor


John Ramsey's

10 week Mastermind Session

on Napolean Hill's Book


Limited Enrollment

For specific details email


Put "Mastermind" in the Subject Line

10 Sessions on a Conference Call
from Your Home or Office

* Be Ready to Learn and S-T-R-E-T-C-H your Thinking
(There will be Homework for MAXIMUM RESULTS)

* Open to any success minded person

* Refer Your Friends

FREE MP3 by Bob Proctor on Purpose, Vision and Goals . . .

Click Here to Download your Free MP3

Looking for an excuse not to take Your Quantum Leap for Success? Here's a few from Napoleon Hill...

Near the end of Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon lists what he named “57 Famous Alibis by Old Man IF.” And he writes that “People who do not succeed have one distinguishing trait in common. They know all the reasons for failure, and have what they believe to be air-tight alibis to explain away their own lack of achievement.

“Some of these alibis are clever, and a few of them are justifiable by the facts. But alibis cannot be used for money. The world wants to know only one thing—HAVE YOU ACHIEVED SUCCESS?”

I took part of that list and created a few of my own alibis you could offer as excuses for not taking YOUR Quantum Leap with Life Coaching

IF I didn’t have a wife and family . . .

IF I had the money . . .

IF I had the time . . .

IF conditions around me were only different . . .

IF I could live my life over again . . .

IF things were better at work . . .

IF I’d known about this last week (last month, last year)

IF I could wait until next week (next month, next year)

IF I were only younger . . . (or older)

IF I had the talent that some people have . . .

IF I didn’t have to keep house and look after the children . . .

IF I had the personality of some people . . .

IF I could only get out of debt . . .

IF I hadn’t failed in some other programs I’ve done . . .

IF I did not have to work so hard . . . (go read the section above again)

IF I hadn’t lost my money . . .

IF * * * and this is the greatest of them all * * * I had the courage to see myself as I really am, I would find out what is wrong with me, and correct it, then I might have a chance to profit by my mistakes and learn something from the experience of others, for I know that there is something WRONG with me, or I would now be where I WOULD HAVE BEEN IF I had spent more time analyzing my weaknesses, and less time building alibis to cover them."

The fact is, when you're looking for an excuse, then ANY excuse will do --- just pick one. So the next step is up to you.

You and I both know that if you’ve read this far, you’re seriously interested in changing YOUR LIFE! All that’s left to do now is to

Take Your Quantum Leap for Success in 2009!

John Ramsey


~Succuss Requires No Explanations~

~Failure Permits No Alibis~

P.S. Napoleon Hill, author of the classic Think and Grow Rich, said that ". Unsuccessful people make decisions very slowly, and change them often and quickly." If you need more facts to make your decision, let me know what you need. Otherwise, act now and let's get started making 2009 a great year for you!

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