Reinvent Time with Family

Families are filled with imperfect people.  How a family deals with these imperfect people, which is all of us, can determine the quality of life for each one.

If a family can develop a culture in which each person takes responsibility for themselves, AND can be accepting of other members of the family, no matter how different the values, LOVE can enrich every member of the family which in turn allows each of them to grow, learn, and be able to reach for their goals without be encumbered with family issues.

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Reinvent Your Ability to Accept Others

One of the saddest aspects in family life, or any part of life for that matter, is that part of each one of us that wants to be RIGHT.  One person in a family who must always be right, can destroy the entire essence of a family.  Sometimes this person drives away one or more children, a spouse, or even their entire family.

Many families have the same story, one person has to be right, and the family structure changes forever.  My uncle refused to accept my cousin's new husband.  There never were EVER any family gatherings that included the parents and the daughter and her husband which eventually included their children and grandchildren. 

The ramifications of my uncle's decision to be right and stay that way meant, my cousin's children and grandchildren never knew their grandparents who lived just a few blocks away.  The ripple effect of the hurt in this family and the extended family was massive because we have a large family.

Reinventing Time with Family Takes Work

What to do when life hurts:

Find a coach, counselor, or group to get you through it and take responsibility for you, because YOU are the ONLY ONE you can control.

Here's one group:

The RENEW workshop is designed to help you identify how and why your feelings and thoughts affect your life. You will learn how to identify painful emotions and choose intentional thinking to restore your mind and to empower yourself with truth. 

When life hurts, we are here to help!

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