Choose a Network Marketing Business Which Fits You

This website is being updated daily.  Come back tomorrow and see what is new.  Some pages were created in 2008 and need refreshing.

Network Marketing Businesses often deliver high-end products and services and are in many different industries.  They also offer an option for the new entrepreneur to succeed in a business.

There may be several people listed from the same company or in a category who would like to sponsor you.  Call each of them and interview them.  Don't just sign up with the first person with whom you talk.  If you know a particular company is the right one for you, interview your potential sponsor and check out the teams.  Working with people who are right for you and have a history of helping new people be successful, is usually better than just signing up and finding our later.  The important, and I mean the most important, is follow your heart and your passion.  Sometimes we THINK ourselves into wrong decisions be piling up a bunch of reasons that do not match our inner desires.  Just because you have a few butterflies only means it is out of your comfort zone to move ahead, but I am willing to bet that anyone who has been successful at anything, had a few butterflies when they started.

Network Marketing
Business Categories

The categories listed below often have several different Network Marketing Businesses  with an overlap of products and services.  The companies on this page are reputable and solid, as far as is reported at this time, but keep in mind, businesses can change in a heartbeat.  We are not recommending any company listed on the pages to follow.

The list has been taken from the Direct Selling Association of members and companies who have applied for membership.  There are new companies in some of the categories below who may be great companies but are too new or do not have their business application listed on the Direct Selling Association's website as of this time.

Industries included in alphabetical order by general category are:

Animal & Pets




Financial and Legal Services


Home Products

Online Shopping

Photos, Scrapbooking, Gifts, and Crafts

Skin Care and Hair Care


Telecommunications and/or Utilities


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